Archive for February, 2013

Michael Lange Optometrist discusses diet with patients.

Michael Lange Optometrist and organic chef.

Michael Lange Optometrist and organic chef.

Michael Lange Optometrist  and founder of Lange Eye Care and Associates states “food is medicine”.    He discusses dietary changes, life style adjustments and proper supplements with his patients at any age.  His eye wellness centers have become quite popular because of this different approach.   I have seen  some amazing benefits in my patients once these  dietary changes have been started.  I have tried just about every diet combination available and have finally decided what works best.   Michael Lange Optometrist and Certified Nutrition Specialist  recommends an all organic, gluten-free paleo diet for his patients no matter what the age.   When you remove the toxic traditional pro inflammatory omega six diet and replace it with  an all organic, gluten-free paleo diet the body and visual system react in an extremely positive way.  Patients begin to have more energy, lose weight, sleep better, blood chemistries improve and vision and ocular health also start to improve.  Dr. Lange motivates his  patients to follow these guide lines and start to experience an improved quality of life.   Dr Lange is involved in ongoing nutritional research and travels the world in the quest for more knowledge  in the natural health world.   Michael Lange an Optometrist is one of five eye doctors that have become a certified Nutrition Specialist through the American College of Nutrition.  Dr. Michael Lange has hosted a syndicated talk show  called “Ask the Dr” almost daily since 1993.  This talk show can be heard on multiple FM and Am stations throughout the south and on I heart radio or over the internet.  The show is a live call in show that discusses the latest in nutrition for total body and good eye health.  He does practice what he preaches and loves to prepare  food for his family that is a modified version of the Paleo diet.  You can learn more about Dr. Lange and his nine Lange Eye Care locations at and  you can learn about the vitamin line he has researched and developed at .  This is one link that has many of Dr. Langes nutritonal sites all under one site

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