Posts Tagged Dr. Michael lange

Dr Michael Lange and his annual Christmas Extravaganza at The Lange Eye Institute were a big hit.

Every year around the holidays Dr Michael Lange and the Lange Family throw a big party at The Lange Eye Institute to thank his wonderful staff and patients. These events have many frame vendors, wellness doctors, plastic surgeons ,eye docs, hearing specialists, contact lens companies , blood labs , vitamin companies and organic whole food coampanies discussing the very latest in health and well being. Always a lot of food, drink and music to help celebrate the holidays. This year, Dr John Poser(plastic surgeon) Michael Moore (Hearing specialist), Dr Michael Joseph and Dr Brad Chapman (hemocode), Paleo Simplified , Fortifeye Vitamins , Bausch & Lomb, Pam Jantomaso (Clear Vision), Michael Coffey (Tom Ford), Marge Felix Events(catering), Stacey , Mike and Bryce (Marcolin) and the entire team at The Lange Eye Institute made this years Christmas Extravaganza one to remember! People drove from 100s of miles away to get huge savings on everything and to share in our festive holiday spirit. We had 20 winners in our free give away contest. We also had a lot of giving people donate to the toys for tots campaign we ran this year. Dr Michael Lange brought his race car called Doc Voodoo to the event and it also generated quite a bit of interest. This was a great way to bring a great year to a closing.
The Lange family and The Lange Eye Institute wants to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year !

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Dr Michael Lange is now at the Lange Eye Institute full time.

Dr. Michael Lange in front of The Lange Eye Institute in The Villages.

Dr Michael Lange started Lange Eye Care and Associates on March 15 1993 in Ocala Florida.  Dr Lange states “I was at the right place at the right time”.  Right out of school he did a demographic study and found that Marion County was the fastest growing geriatric community in the country in 1990 and was under served in the eye care area.   Dr Lange worked 18 hrs a day 7 days a week for the first 20 years building Lange Eye Care and Associates.  He opened 14 Lange Eye Care locations in Gainesville, University of Florida, Panama City, Williston, Inverness, Citrus Hills, West Ocala, Ocala, Downtown Ocala, Summerfield, The Villages, Tampa and 2 locations in Clearwater.  His syndicated radio show, ” ask the dr” was the spark that ignited his fast expansion.  He has been hosting this radio show on multiple radio networks and live video streaming around the world non stop since April 1993.


In April of 2016 Dr Michael Lange decided to sell all of his Lange Eye Care locations to one large corporation and retain ownership of his flagship eye care center The Lange Eye Institute in The Villages Florida.  Dr Lange is an optometric physician as well as a Certified Nutrition Specialist, this sets him apart from the majority of eye care providers in the country.  Dr Lange and The Lange Eye Institute have the latest in nutritional, optical, surgical and medical eye care all under one roof. Patients come to The Lange Eye Institute from all over the country for this broad range of eye care options with a heavy emphasis on Nutritional and Natural Eye Care.  Dr Michael Lange states “we use diet, high quality nutritional supplements, lifestyle adjustments and education to complement our traditional medical and surgical approaches at The Lange Eye Institute.  The Lange Eye Institute also has top-notch hearing specialist, podiatry , dentistry, retina , plastic Surgery, oculoplastics,  naturapathy,  blood lab, acupuncture and much more.  Dr Michael Lange is available for patients Monday-Friday only at The Lange Eye Institute in The Villages Florida. This location is centrally located with easy access right off of I-75 and a short drive from anywhere in Florida.  Learn more about the nutritional research and Vitamin Company founded by Dr Lange at   Learn more about Dr Lange at  The Lange Eye Institute phone number is 352 753 4014.


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Dr Michael Lange develops new Naked Protein

Dr Michael Lange and Fortifeye Vitamins have developed a new extremely pure protein called Fortifeye Naked Super Protein.  Fortifeye Naked Protein has no flavoring, no stevia, no guar Gum, no lecithin , no pesticide, no hormones and no antibiotics. This new Naked Protein has the purest  non denatured, unbleached whey protein concentrate from year round grass fed pasture raised New Zealand cows.  This is the purest highest quality protein available in the world.  Consuming Fortifeye Naked Super Protein daily will help to build muscle and strength while loosing body fat safely. Consuming this protein daily is also one of the best ways to stimulate glutathione and your immune system.   Dr Michael Lange recommends reading labels carefully to see what other chemicals may be in a protein powder, has protein been bleached and also find out where the protein comes from.  Learn more and order at


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Protect and improve eye and total body health with the new Fortifeye Focus



Dr Michael Lange discusses how the new Fortifeye Focus may benefit everyone.

Ever since the introduction of computers, tablets, smart phones and  led lighting we have seen a tremendous surge in patients complaining of eyes that feel wiped out, fatigued, tired and dry.  Clinically we are also seeing macula disease at much earlier ages.   This is not a coincidence, it may be related to the prolonged periods of time we are being exposed  to the high intensity visible spectrum or blue light in our indoor  environment.  This  blue light  becomes cumulative over time and may  cause potential damage to the eyes and entire body.   This combination is creating a syndrome called computer vision syndrome and also exposing the macula to damaging blue light.  Is there anything u can do short of living in a tent with no electricity?  Yes there are  two things I recommend to all of my patients these days to help protect them from the damaging man-made blue light that we come in contact with daily.

  1.  Wear a good pair of glasses that have a blue light filtering monomer in the lens. I recommend a clear lens called Blue Light Defense or a lens coming out soon called Blue Light Shield.  These lenses are totally clear and come in prescription or non prescription. learn more at
  2. Take a supplement called Fortifeye Focus once daily.

Fortifeye Focus is a small red and black soft gel  that has three carotenoids  lutein, zeaxanthin and astaxanthin.  This soft gel is made from fish gelatin and contains  non gmo olive oil to help with the absorption of the 3 carotenoids.  There are numerous studies that have been published proving the ocular health and total health benefits of lutein, zeaxanthin isomers and astaxanthin.  Fortifeye Focus is the first in the industry to use the combination of lutein, zeaxantin isomers and astaxanthin in therapeutic dosage in a fish gelatin. Doctors all over the world are recommending this supplement to their patients.

Fortifeye Focus is now using a 5:1 ratio of lutein and zeaxanthin isomers that have been extensively studied.  Lutein combined with both zeaxanthin isomers (RR-and RS(meso)-zeaxanthin) have been utilized in this new formula.  Dr  Michael Lange and Fortifeye Vitamins decided to switch the form of Lutein and zeaxanthin they were using in their Focus supplement to Lutemax 20/20 and award-winning carotenoid  ratio made by Omni Actives. The switch to this new ratio came as a result of the recent  LAMA studies.  LAMA I is complete and LAMA II near completion at this time.  These studies are the first to show the positive benefits of supplementing with all 3 macular carotenoids lutein, RR- and RS- zeaxanthin  at the exact ratios  being used by Fortifeye Focus. These studies support these positive benefits  on visual performance and brain functioning. Supplementing with these levels of carotenoids increased MPOD (macular pigment optical density) rapidly.  The increased MPOD helps to protect the macular from blue light damage and oxidative stress which may reduce the risk of macular degeneration.   Pending and  current ongoing studies may also show a link with improved sleep, improved skin health ,improve psychological well-being and lower cortisol levels with the exact ratios being used in Fortifeye Focus. “When combining these carotenoids with astaxanthin a synergy seems to occur that benefits the patients much more than when either is  used individually” states Dr Lange.

Astaxanthin has been used in this formula since its development  over five years ago.  Astaxanthin has numerous ocular and over all health benefits that have been studied extensively at 6mg.  Astaxanthin is one of the most potent anti oxidants and anti inflammatory nutrients  known to man.  This carotenoid improves blood flow to the eye and brain also crossing  the blood brain and blood retinal barrier making it the perfect nutrient to use in combination with Lutein and Zeaxanthin for support of the brain and the eye.  Numerous studies indicate astaxanthin  improves accommodative  ability of the eye reducing eye strain associated with near point stress. This super carotenoid helps to absorb the harmful  UV light protecting the skin from the harmful effects of the sun. Patients often times report less wrinkles in their face after supplementing with 6 mg of astaxanthin for 3 months. Studies indicate astaxanthin will lower inflammatory markers in the blood along with lowering the harmful cholesterol.  Many sports related studies are proving that astaxanthin improves muscle recovery and endurance.  Patients on a daily basis report many positive eye and overall health benefits after taking Fortifeye Focus for a few months. Some report positive benefits in as short as one week after supplementing daily.

Dr Michael Lange and Fortifeye Vitamins are  continuously involved in ongoing research to enhance the Fortifeye line of supplements .  Dr Lange sees the effect life style changes, dietary modifications and proper supplementation can make on patients  ocular and overall health daily in clinical practice.  Fortifeye Focus is available at many eye care providers through out the world that carry Fortifeye Vitamins or you can order at  or call 866 503 9746

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Fortifeye Blue Green Superfood

fortifeye greens image One of the first Fodmap free  all organic greens drinks is now available.

 Fortifeye Blue Green Superfood is an all organic powdered drink mix developed by Dr Michael Lange and Fortifeye Vitamins.  This was developed to be both Paleo diet  friendly and Fodmap free.  This is a combination of superfoods that people with IBS and other functional gastrointestinal disorders should be able to handle without any abdominal tenderness, bloating or gas.   Only the highest quality all organic nutrients were used for this product.  Each fruit and vegetable was picked based on its unique nutrient profile.  No inexpensive binders, fillers or fibers were used in the Fortifeye Blue Green Superfood.  The addition of  insoluble and soluble fibers  may interfere with the absorption of the valuable nutrients in the powder .  Therefore no additional fibers of any type have been added to this product. This new Fortifeye Blue Green Superfood will come in a berry flavor initially .  This product is a combination of Spirulina, Kale, spinach, wheat grass juice powder, barley grass juice powder, cucumber, parsley, blueberry, strawberry, cranberry, and cinnamon.  This powder can be mixed or blended with water or your favorite beverage.  Mixing with Fortifeye Super Protein will give an additional 20 grams of non denatured whey protein from grass fed New Zealand A2 cows.  The combination of Fortifeye Super Protein and Fortifeye Organic Blue Green Superfood can be used as a meal replacement to aid in weight reduction.  This combination can also be uses in between meals as a high protein  antioxidant filled drink during the day.   you will be able to order at by  June, 2016. Drink to your health!!  call 866 503 9746 to talk to a customer service rep.


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Non denatured Grass fed whey protein developed by Dr Michael Lange and Fortifeye coming soon.

Fortifeye Super Protein

Fortifeye Super Protein

Dr Michael Lange  CEO of The Lange Eye Institute and Fortifeye Vitamins has been discussing proper nutrition  to help his patients  since 1992.  He has been involved in research and development of the entire Fortifeye Vitamin line.  Fortifeye Vitamins is being recommended by eye doctors from all over the world and 1000s of people are currently taking these supplements.  After many years of research and numerous intracellular blood evaluations Dr Lange has determined that a good percentage of his patients are deficient in the master antioxidant in the body called Glutathione.  One of the best ways to stimulate Glutathione is to consume whey protein.  Dr Lange became frustrated with the whey proteins that are on the market because most are filled with artificial binders, fillers, sweeteners and nutrients.  Many of these proteins have been derived from gmo grain fed cows that can further enhance potential toxicities in the protein and alter the natural omega 3 to omega 6 ratio.  Many of the otc protein powders have also been further denatured in the processing of the protein decreasing the bio availability.

Dr Michael Lange also concluded that the vast majority of patients he would see were relatively deficient in at least one of their meals in the proper amount of protein.  Many people are not consuming good quality protein especially at their most important meal , Breakfast!

Dr Lange decided to develop Fortifeye Super Protein.  This is a protein that comes from grass-fed pasture raised  A2 New Zealand cows that are not fed any hormones or antibiotics.  Dr Lange decided to use a Kosher  non denatured whey protein concentrate since this is the least processed form of whey protein containing the highest levels of naturally occurring immunoglobulins that have not been denatured by high heat.  This protein is free of Casein protein.  Whey Protein  has the highest Bio-Availabillity index of all proteins.  Non denatured Grass fed whey protein concentrate will improve  the immune system by increasing omega 3, CLA and Glutathione . read more :

Fortifeye Super Protein will be great in a smoothie first thing in the am to start the day. This protein will also be great as a pre workout and post recovery protein drink.

fortifeye greens image

Consuming a whey protein concentrate daily is one more step in the right direction of anti aging.  Mix with Fortifeye Organic Blue Green Superfood and  you have a complete meal.  Add one of the new Fortifeye Focus to get the additional benefits of lutein, zeaxanthin and astaxanthin.  This protein will be available by mid November  2015 . at .

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Dr Michael Lange hosts popular live call in show for 23 years.

Dr. Michael Lange hosting "Ask the Dr"

Dr. Michael Lange hosting “Ask the Dr”

Dr Michael Lange started hosting a popular talk show  called  “Ask The Dr” in April 1993.  This is a live call in show that is aired on multiple radio net works through  out the country.  Dr Michael Lange is a board certified optometric physician and a certified nutrition specialist with over 23 years in private practice.  Dr Lange’s talk show is all about the latest in eye care and nutrition.  Patients can also listen all over the world via the internet  and on I heart radio and In tune radio. Here is a link to listen live to Dr Michael Lange or to listen to some archived shows.  Dr Michael Lange is also the CEO of Fortifeye Vitamins and  a new company involved in blue light protection to minimize blue light damage to the eyes and entire body.  Dr  Lange’s talk show gives some good advise and educates millions of listeners on the importance of proper nutrition and eye care.  Tune is and have your questions ready.  Dr Lange still sees patients six days a week  through out the Lange Eye Care locations and also frequently at The Lange Eye institute in The Villages Florida.

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Nutrition for Macular Degeneration by Dr Michael Lange

Michael Lange OD, CNS in front of The Lange Eye Insitute in The Villages.

Michael Lange OD, CNS in front of The Lange Eye Institute in The Villages.

Nutriton for Macular Degeneration by Dr Michael Lange , 8/3/2015 updated on 10/1/2016

I have seen what the power of proper nutrition can do for patients with both dry and wet age related macular degeneration.  If an optometrist or ophthalmologist will  take the time to discuss in detail life style changes , proper dietary intake and proper supplementation, we would see much less vision loss from macular degeneration.  I see some patients respond almost miraculously when they follow the specific steps I outline for them.   The key is to make them understand the serious nature of the disease and how macular degeneration can lead to permanent vision impairment .  Some patients will follow my guidelines and do quite well by stabilizing the disease or even gaining some valuable vision back. However some patients  will continue to decline even while following the latest protocol and even receiving the most up to date treatments  from  a retinal specialist.  This is what I do all day long, deal with macular degeneration patients !  I have done  a variety of blood tests, omega index tests and DNA tests to develop the protocol and supplements I recommend for my patients with macular degeneration.  When patients follow this protocol  often times not only will their ocular health improve but their overall health will improve too! God made a pretty good body and once the proper fuel is given amazing things can happen.

Doctors from all over the world are using dietary modifications, introduction of nutritional supplements and lifestyle changes to aid the patient with macular degeneration.  Optometrists and ophthalmologists can utilize intracellular and plasma blood testing, genetic testing and  advanced retinal imaging to help determine if a patient may have modifiable risk factors for macular degeneration. Some of these modifiable risk factors include specific genes, elevated c-reactive protein, elevated cholesterol, elevated triglycerides, elevated homocysteine, lipofuscin pigment accumulation and nutritional deficiencies. All macular degeneration patients need to have a DNA test done to see how aggressive their macular degeneration may be and to find out if zinc is needed for their retinal health or of if zinc is actually detrimental to their retinal health.  There is new science that indicates a percent of patients with ARMD may be harmed by zinc and a percent may be helped with zinc.  The only way to know is to have a DNA test done . The following 17 step outline I have developed  to decrease the risk of having progressive visual loss from macular degeneration. This list was compiled based on solid scientific evidence reported in related literature and from positive results I have seen clinically in several very large macular degeneration practices. This does not replace a comprehensive dilated eye examination by an  optometrist or ophthalmologist. The key is early detection!  New forms of retinal imaging like Annidis RHA and OCT technology allow doctors to detect macular degeneration much earlier and initiate appropriate defensive measures early.

  1. Organic Gluten Free Paleo Diet . Eat more free range  turkey, free range chicken, free range eggs,  cold water fish, Goat milk, Goat cheese and grass-fed beef. Prepare without deep-frying, broiling, grilling or baking!  This traditional type of cooking elevates the temperature in the meat too much causing glycation of the protein and the fat. This glycated meat is consumed and can prematurely age the body disrupting DNA and causing inflammation  in the body and also increasing the risk of certain cancers. So cooking in a perfect world would consist of boiling, stewing, steaming and poaching.  Vegetables can be gently sautéed in organic coconut oil on very low heat.   imagesCANYT7TKEat more fish (omega-3) but be careful when eating fish because many large fish have toxic levels of mercury, lead and PCBs (PCBs are persistent organic pollutants, banned since 1977, that entered the environment through both original use and later disposal). Eat cold water fish (sardines, tuna, mackerel, lake trout, Atlantic halibut, herring and wild–not farmed–salmon). Try to avoid farm raised fish and instead eat wild fish especially wild Alaskan salmon. Wild salmon are high in a super carotenoid called astaxanthin that is proving to be a key nutrient in the nutritional approach for macular degeneration. A lean organically raised GRASS FED steak in moderation is a good source of protein, Vitamin B complex, zinc, iron, folate, magnesium, selenium and omega-3 essential fatty acids.  Omega-6 fats predominate in commercially raised (corn-fed) meat, poultry, dairy and eggs; and also in margarine, and vegetable oils (such as corn, peanut, canola, safflower, soybean, sunflower, and grape seed oils). Omega-6 increases inflammation in the body! Olive oil is an omega-9 and is beneficial; it should be the primary bottled oil in the kitchen for use in cooking and salad dressings. Organic Virgin Coconut oil is also a very good oil to use for cooking because of the healthy medium chain triglycerides and lauric acid found in this oil. The typical American diet provides 10-20 times more omega-6 than omega-3, but a healthier ratio is 3:1 or 4:1! Cut back on your omega-6 (choosing healthy omega-6 foods like nuts, seeds, and avocado) and increase omega-3. I have come to the conclusion that the Paleo (Hunter Gatherer) type of diet is best for all of my patients. This is consuming foods that are natural to the earth and are not processed. A combination of a Gluten free,  Mediterranean and Paleo diet is also very healthful for the eyes and total body. I recommend staying away from gluten because most foods containing gluten like  wheat , barley and rye are genetically modified and may have much higher levels of pesticide residue that can be toxic to your health.  I have found a company called paleo simplified that makes very good raw paleo bars that are filled with nutrients that are very good for the retina , brain and entire body. Paleo Simplified energy bars can be bought at many wellness and healthy grocery stores as well as online.  These are great to have in between meals.

2.  Consume more dark green leafy vegetables like baby spinach, baby kale, collards and swiss chard (preferably organically grown)imagesCAVZ2JOF.

I preach to avoid any of the fruits and vegetables that are listed in the “dirty dozen” unless they are organically grown do to their toxic levels of pesticides that are found inside. Carefully boil, steam or simmer these in extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil. Gentle cooking helps to break down the cell wall releasing the bio-availability of the greens. Juicing is also a good way of getting these nutrients. Lutein is abundant in dark green leafy vegetables and has been shown to potentially help slow down the devastating properties of macular degeneration. Lutein and its related compound zeaxanthin are highly concentrated in the macula, providing a yellow color known as the macular pigment (MP).The macular pigment acts like a built-in sun screen and protects the macula from the damaging photo-oxidative effects of blue light. Eating more foods that contain lutein/ zeaxanthin and/or taking a supplement of lutein along with zeaxanthin  daily will help replenish the macula pigment density that you are more prone to lose as you age with macular degeneration. Fortifeye has developed a supplement containing all three of the beneficial carotenoids: lutein, zeaxanthin and astaxanthin in one vegie gel cap called Fortifeye Focus.  .  Fortifeye Focus for kids will be available in August 2015.  It is crucial for children to get these valuable nutrients they are missing especially since they spend many hrs in front of digital applications that are emitting harmful blue light between 400-430 nm. . These will come in a delicious  non gmo/ organic chewie for kids or adults that can’t swallow pills. If you are taking a blood thinner like Coumadin, consult with your physician prior to eating more dark green leafy vegetables. If you want to maximize the absorption of a spinach salad then put a hard-boiled egg in the salad, the phospholipids in the egg yolk will help the carotenoids absorb and the yolk is also a good source of additional lutein. Using a spice called turmeric on your food is a good way at getting both  anti-oxidant and  anti-inflammatory properties added to the meal.  sprinkling a little black pepper  with the turmeric is a good way to increase the absorption of the turmeric.

3.  Eat more orange bell peppers and Goji Berries (preferably organically grown), gently cooked or raw. Orange bell peppers are very high in zeaxanthin. Scientists believe this nutrient when combined with lutein helps filter out dangerous HEV light (blue light) and may help maintain macular health. imagesCAN6WMVBSauté  spinach and orange bell peppers together in  coconut oil  or steam them for good macular health. Goji berries are also one of nature’s most powerful antioxidants that has a very high concentration of zeaxanthin. Goji berry is one of the richest edible plant sources known for zeaxanthin content. Up to 77% of total carotenoids present in goji berry exist as zeaxanthin. Both goji berry and zeaxanthin also may prove to be helpful in the irregular blood vessel growth and leakage that occurs in the wet form of macular degeneration due to their potential anti-VEGF properties. This means that these nutrients  may have the ability to sop irregular blood vessels from growing and leaking in the retina.

4.  Consume more darkly pigmented berries (preferably organically grown). imagesCAAM3Y2MStudies indicate that eating more dark berries like blueberries, black berries and raspberries may help preserve macular health. Some of the “super fruits” like gogi berry, acai berry and mangosteen are powerful antioxidants that may prove to be beneficial for macular disease. These are not easily found in your local grocery unless they are in a juice or powdered form. If you are a diabetic consult with your physician prior to eating more fruits. Darkly pigmented berries may also exhibit some anti-VEGF attributes.

5.  Get more omega 3 fatty acids by taking molecular distilled triglyceride form fish oil. Stay away from the ethyl ester form of fish oil that is populating the shelves at the local drug stores and discount clubs due to ethanol being attached to the molecule makes it very unstable and poorly absorbed when compared to triglyceride form fish oil. Due to the large amount of pollutants in fish, molecularly distilled triglyceride form fish oil may be a better option than eating the fish. Canned sardines are a good source of omega threes, protein, Co-Q10 and calcium, and are fairly contaminant free. Eat more cold-water fish (sardines, tuna, mackerel, lake trout, Atlantic halibut, herring and wild—not farmed—salmon). Flax seed oil is not a good source of omega-3 essential fatty acids! I recommend Fortifeye Super Omega since it is the more natural imagesCACYXVGRconcentrated triglyceride form of omega-3 and goes through a triple molecular distillation process to insure it is contaminant free. This gel cap is also chewable with a great taste for those patients that have difficulty swallowing pills. Blood studies using two Fortifeye Super Omegas have seen average omega indexes of between 9%- 11.5%  after one month on this form of fish oil. An omega index over 8% is the sign of a truly therapeutic dose of fish oil. Doctors from all over the world are recommending Fortifeye Super Omega .  Fortifeye Vitamins phone number is 1-866-503-9746

6.  Eat less salt. Research may indicate that decreasing salt intake may decrease deposition of waste products in the macula called drusen. Reduction in salt intake may help decrease blood pressure and fluid retention. Use pink sea salt or Celtic sea salt  when necessary. Try using more turmeric and black pepper as seasoning.

7.  Wear blue blocking sunglasses  and blue filtering  indoor lenses especially if you have had cataract surgery.  Blue Light protection to minimize blue light damage is crucial. There is science that indicates blocking or filtering the high energy visible spectrum (400nm-500nm, the “blue light”), may help prevent damage to the macula. Yellow, amber and orange-colored lenses are good at blocking the blue light. Wear them any time you are outdoors during daylight. Wear polarized blue blockers while in the sun. Non-polarized lenses are better while indoors, during cloudy and overcast days and for certain sports like motorcycling, golf, road biking and mountain biking.  Blue Light Defense, Blue defense extreme and Blue Light Shield lenses are new clear  lenses that have been developed to block the specific harmful range of blue light without altering the blue color.  These lenses come in indoor and outdoor lenses.  Many doctors are now recommending patients to wear these  lenses to block or filter  the blue light that is emitted from the television, computers , lap tops,  tablets , smart  phones and indoor lighting.  New science also reveals if the blue light is filtered indoors in the evening then melatonin levels may not drop  improving sleep patterns. Decreased levels of melatonin also correlate with increased risk of many health problems .   The newest indoor clear blue filtering lenses I recommend to stop blue light damage are called  Blue light Defense, Blue light Guard , Blue Defense Extreme and Blue Light Shield.  I have patients every day that tell me they have a rejuvenated sensation of their body and eyes after they have started wearing Blue Light Defense lenses  .  Indoor man-made synthetic blue light that new science suggests may create the most harm is between 400-430 nm. The Ophthalmic blue light defense, blue defense extreme and blue light shield were designed to block these specific ranges. Many companies are offering a version of these blue protection lenses that is only a coating that will only partially filter the blue light and not block the harmful range form 400-430. Ask for a demonstration when purchasing blue  blocking lenses using a blue laser and make sure the blue laser will not go thru the lens.   The recommendation of a blue filtering lenses for both out doors and indoor use is one more positive step  in the preservation of retinal , lenticular and overall health.

8.  NO SMOKING!h If you do smoke try to quit. Smoking lowers your serum antioxidant levels in your blood and thus causes a nutritional deficiency at the cellular level. Second hand smoke is just as bad. Smokers increase their risk dramatically of developing the more advanced stages of macular degeneration. Smoking increases C-reactive protein (inflammatory marker in blood that is a risk factor for macular degeneration). If you smoke be sure you do NOT take high levels of the supplement called beta-carotene. High dosages of beta-carotene my increase ones risk of lung cancer. New science also indicates beta-carotene may interfere with the absorption of lutein (a beneficial carotenoid for macular health). Beta-carotene should not be in a vitamin formula especially if you have macular degeneration. Most Americans that  eat some animal protein will not be deficient in Vitamin A and thus don’t need any beta-carotene. Beta-carotene has shown some form of competitive inhibition against lutein due to binding sites that beta carotene attach to on lutein in the liver not allowing it to absorb into the blood. Fortifeye Vitamins are all Vitamin a and beta carotene free!!

9.  Do cardiovascular exercises for 20-30 minutes 5 times a week (discuss this with your physician first).imagesCA1RRUXW Research indicates that patients who did cardiovascular exercise (treadmill, stationary bike, elliptical, walking, jogging, swimming etc.) were less likely to develop macular degeneration. These forms of exercise may be beneficial for glaucoma patients as well. The improvement in circulation from cardiovascular exercise combined with proper diet and proper supplementation is very powerful at promoting good ocular and overall health. This cardiovascular exercise can also lower intra ocular pressure in the eye and help to decrease the chances of the eye developing glaucoma. This decreased intra ocular pressure will also help to improve circulation to all parts of the eye.

10.  If you are overweight, LOSE WEIGHT! Overweight people are twice as likely to develop macular degeneration. Losing weight will also reduce C-reactive protein and help to normalize cholesterol and triglycerides. Controlling C-reactive, cholesterol and triglycerides may benefit macular degeneration. Overweight patients are also more likely to develop glaucoma and cataracts at an earlier age. Reducing your caloric intake and increasing your cardiovascular exercise will aid in weight reduction. Patients who are over weight with pre-existing health conditions may want to seek help from a physician supervised weight loss program. Fortifeye Vitamins is in the developmental phases of a new meal replacement system that is derived from all organically grown fruits and vegetables called Fortifeye Organic Blue Green Superfood that will be available in October  2015. Dr Michael Lange along with Fortifeye Vitamins has also been developing a non gmo , non denatured whey protein concentrate from  New Zealand grass-fed  A2 cows that when mixed with the Fortifeye Organic  Blue Green Superfood will be a complete meal and aid in weight reduction. this product will be called Fortifeye Super Protein and will also be available in September 2015. A good non denatured whey protein concentrate is one of the best ways to stimulate Glutathione in our bodies master antioxidant!  Glutathione levels start to drop at age 40 and when these levels become reduced aging becomes more rapid. So stimulating glutathione with Non denatured whey protein concentrate is one step in the right direction of anti aging. Also this type of protein stimulates muscle growth , muscle retention and fat loss!  One of the biggest deficiencies my macular degeneration patients  have when tested with intracellular blood tests is Glutathione. Fortifeye Super Protein can be used by diabetics and people on low carb diets.

11.  Control systemic health problems such as Hypertension, Diabetes, elevated Cholesterol, elevated C-Reactive protein and elevated homocysteine. Elevated Homocysteine has been linked to Macular degeneration as well as Optic Neuropathies, Certain Types of Glaucoma, retinal occlusive disease and diabetic retinopathy. Patients that are overweight can have a dramatic improvement in these systemic health problems once they start a weight management program and stick to it.  The combination of a gluten-free organic paleo diet, weight management,  exercise, proper sleep, hydration and taking the correct supplements is one of the best ways at controlling systemic  health problems.  Patients that are not able to follow this type of anti aging lifestyle  will potentially need to be on medications  and followed by their physician carefully .

12.  Drink red wine and green tea! I like Long Jing organic green teaimagesCABBJU2T the best do to its extremely high polyphenol content and low caffeine content. This form of green tea has tremendous health benefits for the eye and entire body.  Macha tea is also a great way to get concentrated polyphenols but does have more caffeine.  New research may indicate that drinking red wine in moderation, sipping green tea and cooking with turmeric may have some positive impact on macular degeneration, cataracts and inflammatory diseases in the eye. Consume more Pinot Noir from the New York or Oregon region, because this wine has some of the highest resveratrol content. Try to find a good organic bio dynamic red wine. Bio dynamic wines will use organically grown grapes and have no additionally added sulfites!r Resveratrol is a powerful antioxidant proving to have many health benefits. Walnuts are also a good source of resveratrol. The latest research shows that resveratrol, green tea and turmeric or curcumin may all have the ability to inhibit new fragile blood vessel growth (anti VEG-F). This may prove to be beneficial at decreasing the chance of the dry form of macular degeneration from turning into the wet form. Some other specific nutrients that may also exhibit effects on VEGF are Vitamin D, zeaxanthin, tocotrienols, super berries and even B vitamins

13.  Have a vitamin D3 blood test; 25 (OH) D done routinely, making sure you are not deficient in Vitamin D3. Recent research shows patients with low levels of serum Vitamin D may be more imagesCAFGWLNZlikely to develop macular degeneration. Your vitamin D3 levels should be between 60-90 for maximum benefits. Vitamin D is a potent steroid hormone and deficiencies are linked to cancer, cardiovascular disease, stroke, hypertension, diabetes, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, depression, multiple sclerosis, muscle wasting, schizophrenia and even the flu. The sun is the best source of Vitamin D. Just 15-20 minutes of sun exposure during the peak hours in shorts and a tank top while wearing a good pair of blue blocking sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat may be beneficial. After sun exposure do not wash body using any soap for six to eight hrs.  The soap will wash away the oils that are allowing the vitamin D absorption. These 20 minutes of sun would be without sunscreen!  Larger and more darkly pigmented people may need  30 – 40 minutes of sun to get the necessary amount of Vitamin D.   Consult with your physician before too much sun exposure especially if there is a history of skin cancers or melanoma.

14.  Dark Chocolate is high in polyphenols and antioxidants that may prove to be chocolatebeneficial for macular degeneration.The darker the chocolate the better. Dark chocolate is proving to be good for many health conditions including diabetes, hypertension, and elevated cholesterol and may reduce the risk of blood clots, strokes and heart attacks. Polyphenols from dark chocolate may also exhibit some anti-VEGF properties and may prove to be beneficial for macular degeneration. Try to eat the dark chocolate with the highest percent of cocoa and the least amount of sugar.

15.  Have your DNA checked and Do not take supplemental beta-carotene vitamin A or high dose Zinc! Many emerging and published studies are proving that supplemental beta-carotene blocks the absorption of lutein. Beta-carotene also increases the risk of lung cancer among smokers and is not good for the prostate. There is no beta-carotene in the eye, however, there is a high percent of lutein concentrated in the macula, so macular degeneration patients do not want to block this valuable carotenoid. Do not take Vitamin A palmitate as studies now indicate that it blocks the absorption of Vitamin D and it may increase the risk of macular degeneration and it may also increase the risk of osteoporosis, liver problems and neuro degenerative diseases. If you are deficient in Vitamin A then a physician needs to determine why and treat accordingly. Fortifeye has cut the zinc significantly in all of their products and also has a zinc free product.  High dosages of zinc have been associated with urinary tract problems, Neuro degeneration and increased risk of prostate cancer.  A new study was published in 9/13 proving that certain patients  with specific genes that have macular degeneration may benefit from antioxidants with no zinc!  Fortifeye Zinc Free Macular Defense is now available for those that have had their DNA tested and fall in this category. It is crucial to have your DNA tested if you have Macular Degeneration in order to find out is you need zinc or if zinc is causing harm?

16.  Get a good night’s sleep. imagesCAK7C6Q1More and more research is indicating that sleep deprivation is a major risk factor for many health problems. Sleep deprivation can suppress the immune system, increase inflammation in the body, lead to weight gain, high blood pressure and possibly Alzheimer’s disease. Sleep deprivation may increase your risk of optic nerve problems as well as macular degeneration. The National Sleep Foundation recommends 7-9 hours of sleep a night for adults. New science is promoting the use of selective blue filtering lenses like: Ophthalmic Blue Guard, Blue Light Defense, Blue Light Shield or Blue Light Guard  in order  to increase melatonin levels and improve sleep. I have personally improved my sleep habits significantly since I have been wearing the ophthalmic blue guard lenses, Now at night I am dreaming therefore going thru the rem phase of sleep that is necessary for a good night sleep. The blue light protection lenses  really do work they could be called “The Dream Lens””.  If you have any sleep issues  I urge u to buy one of the blue filtering lenses I mention above  in your prescription or in non prescription plano lenses. learn more here

17.  Take a good nutritional supplement based on the latest scientific data, preferably one that does not have any artificial dyes and synthetic nutrients. Be careful of supplements that have only “window dressing” amounts of specific nutrients. Many vitamin companies will add tiny amounts of popular nutrients just to be able to put it on the label. These small amounts may have no nutritional value. Patients must also be extremely careful not to take too many supplements as well. Vitamins can build up toxic levels, especially the fat soluble forms. The leading company that takes all of the current science into consideration in the development of their nutraceuticals is Fortifeye® Vitamins. The Fortifeye™ products are all natural with no dyes.Fortifeye Complete Macular Defense Eye Vitamin They provide therapeutic levels of nutrients and no window dressing. The Fortifeye Vitamins mission is stated as promoting proper vision and whole body health with the right ingredients at the right levels. I recommend to all of my patients the multivitamin Fortifeye™ Complete Plus, which is a combination of vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, enzymes, whole foods and omega-3 essential fatty acids designed to lay a strong foundation for eye and total body health. If the patient has macular degeneration, smokes, is over weight or is an extreme athlete, I recommend Fortifeye™ Complete Macular Defense which is a nutritional system developed to help support ocular and whole body health  and give the additional antioxidants necessary for smokers, macular degeneration and extreme athletes.  I have developed  Zinc Free Macular Defense for patients that have tested their DNA and it shows that they would benefit from no zinc.  I also recommend the Zinc Free Macular Defense to patients that have prostate problems, Neuro-degenerative issues and urinary tract problems that have ARMD.   I also recommend all of my patients take a supplement called Fortifeye Focus. This supplement at one per day dosing gives 6mg of astaxanthin along with additional lutein and zeaxanthin that are all three crucial for retinal health. The hottest science and reason for taking Fortifeye Focus is to absorb the harmful blue light.  Children should be taking the all new Fortifeye Focus Chewie once a day to protect their retinas at an early age from the detrimental effects of blue light they are exposed to daily.  I have seen many patients in clinical practice improve, some quite dramatically, while taking these supplements. Many doctors throughout the country are now recommending Fortifeye™ Vitamins to their patients with macular degeneration. Fortifeye stays abreast of the most current science in regards to nutritional supplementation for the eye and body, and because of this, their vitamins for macular degeneration and total body health are constantly evolving.  Fortifeye has multiple  levels of supplements for patients based on weight, age, disease entity and DNA.  For the latest information call toll-free 1 866 503 9746.

You can see that many patients will require a total overhaul in their dietary habits and lifestyles, and others will have some minor adjustments. If patients would only do these 17 things faithfully  we would see much less vision loss from macular degeneration and have a much healthier society. Remember there is no miracle cure for macular degeneration. However if you implement the 17 steps outlined, you will decrease your risk of going blind from macular degeneration. Keep the faith!

Dr Michael Lange

Board Certified Optometric Physician and Certified Nutriton Specialist.

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Natural Dry Eye Treatment and Meibomian Gland Dysfunction protocol.

Dr. Michael Lange in front of The Lange Eye Institute in The Villages Florida, home of the dry eye!  Natural Dry Eye Treatment and Meibomian Gland Dysfunction by Dr Michael Lange  11/27/2014 Meibomian Gland Dysfunction and Dry Eye Treatment can be accomplished naturally without the use of any drugs or surgery.  Dr Michael Lange of Lange Eye Care and The  Lange Eye Institute has been using an all natural approach for this condition  for over 20 years with huge success.    Dr.  Lange says if these steps are explained in detail to the patient and are followed carefully a vast improvement in dry eye and Meibomian gland dysfunction will be a result. Michael Lange OD, CNS is one of a select group of eye care providers that is a certified nutrition specialist as well. Dr. Lange is involved in the research and development of nutritional supplements for eye care and whole body wellness. Dr Michael Lange founded Lange Eye care and Associates 3/15/1993 and has grown to 10 locations in Florida. The Lange Eye institute in the Villages Florida is one of the largest Nutrition oriented eye care centers in the country . The Lange Eye Institute is the home to many nutritional omega index studies, beta-carotene/lutein absorption studies and spectracell nutritional studies. Dr.Lange is constantly searching for better natural ways to help his patients. The Lange Eye Institute in The Villages Florida embraces the latest in nutritional, surgical, medical and optical treatments to help their patients. The following 6 steps will help doctors and patients in their quest to improve dry eye and Meibomian gland dysfunction. These six steps if followed will possibly eliminate even the dryest of eye conditions.  The goal is to make the body work to its fullest potential. 1. Nutrition for dry eyes is the most important step in natural dry eye treatment. The majority of Americans are deficient in omega 3 with an Omega index score around 4 . Omega index is the ratio of omega 6 to omega 3 in blood. Omega index should be over 8 to gain the therapeutic health benefits. Take a good triglyceride form omega 3 fish oil with a minimum of 1500 mg of omega 3. Fortifeye Super Omega is many doctors choice for dry eye. The correct dosage of omega 3 will reduce inflammation in the Meibomian glands and improve the tear production. Most patients after taking the correct form omega 3 supplement in the right dosage will have a dramatic improvement in the tear production from the Meibomian glands. Fortifeye Super Omega gives the ratio of DHA and EPA that has been working in large dry eye clinics throughout the world. Omega index studies indicate that two per day dosing of Fortifeye Super Omega will bring the omega index to an average between 9.1 and 11 in patients under 240 lbs. The goal is to bring the omega index to a minimum of 8. People over 240 lbs may need to double the concentration of omega 3 to get the same results. Most patients with dry eyes and Meibomian gland dysfunction will improve by starting the correct form and dosage of omega 3 fish oil. However some moderate to marked dry eye symptoms may need some additional nutritional help. I recommend adding the most potent antioxidant /anti inflammatory nutrient on earth  called astaxanthin at 6mg. Fortifeye Focus improves dry tired eye symptoms. Works well with Fortifeye Super omega. Astaxanthin for dry eye is rapidly gaining a strong foothold in natural eye care. Astaxanthin is a super carotenoid derived from algae. Astaxanthin when added to omega 3 fish oil will enhance the anti inflammatory effects. Astaxanthin will also help to reduce dry tired eye symptoms. Astaxanthin has many other amazing health benefits.  The combination of triglyceride form omega 3 fish oil and 6 mg of astaxanthin will help combat against oxidation and inflammation in the eye and entire body. This combination will also improve circulation to the eye and may indirectly help other eye problems like glaucoma, macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy. One final nutrient that can be added for the more extreme dry eye is GLA from Black currant seed oil. I like a ratio of close to 10 to 1 GLA to omega 3. 140-160 mg of GLA in addition to 1400-1600 mg of omega 3 fish oil is ideal. The exact combination can be obtained by taking two Fortifeye super omega along with 140 mg- 160 mg of GLA. GLA has some additional anti inflammatory properties that stimulate series 1 prostaglandins and aids in healthy tear production. The triple whammy of dry eye nutrition is Triglyceride form omega 3 fish oil, Astaxanthin and GLA. There is a wonderful synergy between Omega 3, Astaxanthin and GLA.  This combination of nutrients is also a power house formula for improving  skin and joint health.  Very new science is proving that the addition of very low dosage of aspirin ( 1/2 a baby aspirin full baby aspirin)  taken at the same time as omega 3 fish oil may also work well together. The low dose aspirin potentiates the anti-inflammatory effects ( resolvin d3) of the omega 3.   This is also being used in moderate to severe dry eye with positive success. Lowering inflammation is very important in the treatment of dry eyes.  Dr Lange recommends patients to take the 1/2 baby aspirin with Fortifeye Super Omega at bedtime.  Always discuss this with your primary care physician before initiating low dose aspirin therapy.

Fortifeye Focus improves dry tired eye symptoms. Works well with Fortifeye Super omega.

2. One of the main reasons for dry eye symptoms and Meibomian gland dysfunction is a build up of microbial flora on the eye lashes and inside the Meibomian glands. This condition is called blepharitis. If lids are quite inflamed ,red and crusty then proper lid hygiene is crucial as the first step at natural dry eye relief. I recommend scrubbing the lids and lid margins with a commercial preparation like occusoft lid scrub foam. This scrubbing will eliminate much of the bacterial flora on the lashes that can clog the Meibomian glands that secrete the crucial outer layer of the tear film. Often times if a patient has a chronic irritated red-eye even after doing lid scrubs with occusoft they may have another condition causing the problem, Another type of blepharitis is related to a small parasite called demodex. Demodex is a small parasite ( mite)that crawls into the hair follicle at night and lays eggs. These eggs will back up on the base of the lash causing a collarette to be seen by the optometrist or ophthalmologist with the bio microscope.  The demodex may cause lids to become red, inflamed, crusty , and itch. It is important to wipe the lashes and lid margins with a special pre medicated pad called cliradex right before bed. Cliradex has the demodex killing properties derived from tea tree oil and is extremely effective for the treatment of demodex related blepharitis and secondary dry eyes. Scrub lashes first with occusoft, rinse then rub the Cliradex onto lashes and lids before bed and do not rinse. This combination of lid hygiene will help to eliminate the microbial flora ( staph and demodex) that is blocking the Meibomian glands and causing the dry eyes. Proper lid hygiene is one of the most important steps in dry eye control and Meibomian gland dysfunction.

cliradex for blepharitis, if in doubt use Cliradex

cliradex for blepharitis, if in doubt use Cliradex

3. Meibomian glands often times need a jump-start to help them function to their fullest potential and secrete a healthy tear film. Massaging and heating the lid margins is necessary to unclog the Meibomian glands so these glands can secrete the outer lipid layer of tear film. This needs to be done for 10-15 minutes 2 times a day. The use of a warm wash cloth is an inexpensive way to accomplish this but Dr. Lange recommends using  the Bruder Mask to heat up the Meibomian glands.  This is a mask that is put in microwave for 20 seconds and then Velcro around your face for 10-15 minutes two times a day. While the mask is on the eyes gently massage the lid margins to help un-block the blocked glands. This mask will also help cut inflammation surrounding the eyes. The Bruder eye hydrating mask can last 5-10 years without being replaced. This mask is only $25 and makes the hot compresses a very simple and relaxing task.1168-222x300   4.  The use of good preservative free lubricating eye drops are important to use frequently in beginning phases of natural dry eye treatment. Artificial tears that have some hyaluranic acid for dry eye relief is Dr Langes first choice. Dr Lange recommends either Oasis tears plus or Blink to minimize dry eye symptomatology and both have hyaluronic acid in them . Hyaluaronic acid has some anti inflammatory effects and makes these two lubricating eye drops ideal for dry eyes. For the extreme dry eyes and Meibomian gland dysfunction the addition of a special lubricating eye drop called Retain MGD will add additional subjective relief.  Retain MGD helps to replenish the outer lipid layer of tear film that may be deficient in Meibomian gland dysfunction . This combination helps to replenish all layers of the tear film.

great for dry eye associated with blepharitis.

great for dry eye associated with blepharitis.

5.  If these first four steps are followed a large percent of dry eye /Meibomian gland dysfunction patients will improve and become asymptomatic. However there will still be patients  that have resistance and will still suffer from this condition. This is when punctal occlusion is recommended.  This is done by your optometrist or ophthalmologist in the office in less than five minutes.  The doctor will take a small custom sized soft medical silicone implant and place it in your drainage duct in your lower eye lids and sometimes in the ducts in the superior eye lid . This is a painless quick procedure that is covered by your insurance.  This blocks the duct that the tears drain out of. This procedure keeps the natural tears on the eye much longer bathing the eye in the natural lubricating properties of the human tear. Punctal occlusion therapy is much more effective after patients have been on anti inflammatory omega 3 fish oil, astaxanthin and GLA for a period of two to three months.  The anti inflammatory nutrients reduce the inflammatory markers in the tear film which makes punctal occlusion much more effective. 6.  Even after following the first five steps you will have patients with moderate to severe dry eye that still have superficial punctate keratitis and significant symptoms.  These patients will usually respond extremely well to new generation stem cell therapies. The Lange Eye Institute and Lange Eye Care Centers are now using  a cryopreserved amniotic membrane called Prokera to reduce inflammation and promote regenerative healing of the ocular surface in these significant dry eye cases . Prokera is a safe quick in office procedure similar to placing a contact lens on the eye that improves the health of a damaged ocular surface naturally. Lange Eye Care has had some amazing visual recoveries on patients with long-term eye inflammation and pain using these new stem cell enhanced membranes.  Dr Michael Lange and the doctors at The Lange Eye Institute  are also using a another membrane calle Aril.  This is an  A cellular allograft amniotic memrane that can be used in place of the prokera for many patients.  Some of the benefits of the Aril is it will not compromise your vision while wearing it for the five day period.   If you have a corneal problem causing pain or compromised vision come to one of the Lange Eye Care locations and see if you may be a candidate for some of this new generation stem cell enhanced amniotic membranes.  After success of the membrane is accomplished patients should continue the first four steps for maximum long term benefit.  Patients with moderate to sever dry eye can get significant improvement with these steps. Dr Michael Lange  states if the first four steps above are followed carefully most people with dry eye and Meibomian gland problems will improve. Many people will notice improvements in as little as five days but it will take up to four months to gain the full potential for dry eyes. These first 4 steps will in many cases eliminate the need to have more expensive dry eye procedures done.  However there will be a percent of patients that will still have a dry eye issue and will need to go to step 5 and step 6. Steps 5 and 6 are still using  a natural approach to solve your dry eye problem.  Dr Lange states that step 6 , utilization of stem cell enhanced amniotic membranes for severe dry eye has dramatically enhanced a clinicians ability to help patients suffering with severe dry eyes !   Dry eye kits including everything mentioned above  in step 1-4 are available at a discounted price at  recommend all readers of this  see their local optometrist or ophthalmologist if they have any problems with their eyes. This  is for educational purposes only. If you are in the Florida area come by one of the 10 Lange Eye Care locations. ,

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Dr Michael Lange discusses Proper Digestion for good ocular health and overall health

Proper digestion is crucial for good ocular health as well as overall health discussed by Dr Michael Lange

When the food you consume on a daily basis is not digested well then the absorption of the nutrients is limited.  As we age our digestion can stop working at its peak level and then our overall health can suffer.  Many things can interfere with the natural digestive enzymes and natural bacteria in our digestive system and this can result in all sorts of conditions. Diet is often times the culprit for digestive issues. Todays diets are caloric dense and nutrient deficient. These foods are overly  processed, genetically modified , filled with pesticide, antibiotics, hormones, nitrites , nitrates, sugar, dyes, artificial sweeteners and preservatives. All of this can cause enormous stress on the digestive system.  Millions of people are plagued daily with food allergies, constipation, diarrhea, gas, acid reflux, heart burn, bloating, cramping and low energy .  All of these can be related to poor digestion.

Two simple ways to improve digestion is by adding a good probiotic in the am and right before bed and taking enzymes with all cooked meals.  These two additions to your supplement regiment may reduce many if not all of your digestive issues, improve energy levels and enhance your immune system. Dr Michael Lange has been helping patients improve digestion to enhance their ocular  health as well as overall health.  I have seen many chronic dry eye patients respond extremely well once they get their digestion working better states Dr Lange.   Almost every aspect of a person’s health will improve if they get their digestive system in better condition.

Dr Lange recommends his patients follow an all organic, gluten-free paleo diet.  He also recommends they take Fortifeye Probiotic Bacteria first thing in the morning and right before bed to replenish the good bacteria to the digestive system.  He  recommends a good enzyme like Fortifeye Digestive Enzymes with each cooked meal. If you eat a raw salad then enzymes are not necessary.  Fortifeye has developed evidence based supplements with therapeutic levels of probiotics and enzymes at affordable prices. Learn more at

new probiotic by Fortifeye

new probiotic by Fortifeye

new enzyme by Fortifeye

new enzyme by Fortifeye

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